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If you look up the word tenacity in the dictionary, it's defined as a person who won't give up, or has a determined non quitter attitude.                                                  I've seen recent threads by guys who are struggling, getting skunked, and having a hard time catching fish.            Here's the thing. We all do this. Don't feel bad about it. You can have the best tackle, electronics, and all the high end gear, but, you can still have days when it's hard to catch fish.It happens to all of us.                                          If you can develop a persistent, non quitter attitude with your fishing, your day will come.                                           IMO, tenacity is one of the main traits of the best fisherman.

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I can agree and a new level of this triat is essential when specifically targeting the biggest bass. 



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I don't think its a coincidence when a sizable portion of anglers is on the struggle bus.  The one common theme seems to be two fold when I see this problem: the conditions/weather/time of year, and people fishing from the bank.


Getting off the bank would obviously help being that you aren't stuck in one general location.  I realize its not possible for everyone though.


Bass are warm-water species of fish and they are cold blooded.  They do not like colder water temps and when cold fronts roll in, it only compounds the problem.  Cold water slows down their metabolism and activity, thus reducing the amount of feeding.  I'm not saying you can't catch "any" fish at this time, but you just have to lower your expectations.  Either that or just wait until it warms up.

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Couldn’t agree more.. Winners never quit. Quitters never win. Attitude plays a major role in everything we do in life. 

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Tenacity is driven by your determination to achieve a goal, unwilling to give up until you do.

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It’s also the trait that drives guys to bankruptcy and divorce, always thinking their big break (win) is just around the corner, and it’s just a matter of time before their professional angling aspirations pay off, when in reality, they should have realized long ago they just don’t have “it,” or realistically, it’s not going to happen. So there is a fine line or balancing point, IMO, and just because you envision it and try hard, doesn’t mean it will happen - and that’s OK. Look at all the guys who tried and thought they’d catch the next world record bass - and failed.  Just don’t ruin your life over a fish - or because of fish that people post on social media/forums.

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1 hour ago, Mobasser said:

   If you can develop a persistent, non quitter attitude with your fishing, your day will come.                                           IMO, tenacity is one of the main traits of the best fisherman.

For others of us, it is simply an irrational obsession, bordering on addiction.   It isn't work when you're unable to live without it :)

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Better to put your everything into something and fail, then to never achieve greatness in life through lack of effort.    


Lots of people make excuses for why they can't or don't pursue a passion/goal as hard as they possibly can.    


The people who are really driven in this life don't let anything stand in their way, good, bad, or indifferent.    This applies to everything in life.  



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I've been way down the rabbit hole with a few things in my life at this point as a musician and as a person who engineers technology for mass consumption as a father and husband and also as a bass fisherman.


In my opinion, there's no better place to be in one's life than way down in a rabbit hole.


You don't always get where you're going, but the journey is always amazing when you're living your life that way and that's what counts.


Choose your rabbit holes wisely and you will be rewarded with a very happy and fulfilling life.

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Yes, good post.


Getting skunked is definitely not the worst thing a person can go through, happens to me every year.

Tenacity is effected by expectation.

Example would be:

Launch the boat in February, water temps low 40's , my expectation is to have a very slow day if not a skunk........my level of tenacity decreases as the day goes on.


Now, if I'm on a good body of water with favorable conditions, I'm not quitting until I catch a fish. 



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Tenacity or insanity?🤔 The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. 😂 The key is to not take it so seriously.  We all ride the suck bus every now and then. 

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16 minutes ago, TOXIC said:

  We all ride the suck bus every now and then. 

No Doubt ~

I have 'free pass' to get on that bus.

Along with my very own designated seat.

Right behind the driver.

So he can keep an eye on me . . . .




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The most successful people in life don't do what they love best.  They love what they do best.

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Im having a huge hard time catching bass recently, seeing hundreds of bluegill roaming the shoreline, big trout coming up to the surface and fishing for hours and hours a day without any bass most of the time....

Its the month of April already and ive only caught 1 bass so far (2.75lb on a Daingerous swimbait (magdraft by bass mafia) knowing that this time last year starting in February and all the way through March i caught my PB bass week after week in the same spots with the same lures.....

Im throwing almost every single lure, and soft plastic i bring with me. Carrying 5 rods and about 20lbs of additional gear walking a few miles a day moving spot to spot with no success....

But i still love every second im fishing, being outdoors right next to the water, for hours and hours, getting some cardio in, enjoying nature, having fun and getting to learn more than i did the day before. Even when it doesnt pay off and can be slightly stressful i always enjoy it and leave happy.

Years prior i would fish through winter in the creeks for trout and every 15 minutes take the rod to the truck and let the heaters melt the ice off it and the line. Then in the late winter/early spring i would show up early morning at the lakes wait for the ice to melt and start fishing (knowing i wouldnt catch any bass because of the time of year) but i figured if i can get good at casting a lipless crankbait when im tired, freezing cold, and my spirit is worn down imagine how good i can be when its spring/summer and im warm.


Even with the whole month of march only catching a bass on one trip, im going out fishing every chance i get, i went out a few days ago in 15-20mph wind and had the whole lake to myself and caught that 1 bass and had a great time, the other evening got to the lake and it started to do a light-medium rain when i arrived, i didnt have the appropriate clothing for the weather and probably shouldve went home but i figured the weathers something different so maybe the bass will be roaming, and after 2.5 hours and a mile back and fourth with no bass i was soaking wet and freezing cold, but i left with a smile on my face. Anytime im not catching fish or i dont think the fish are biting i try to switch to a lure or bait i dont know how to use and fish it over and over again until i learn every single thing i can about it, when i was a child i didnt think learning would ever be this fun.


If you read all of this then you have probably figured out that im not dedicated, but addicted.

We should probably get a 1-800-fishing-addiction-about-to-become-bankrupt-from-tackle hotline

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I read an article once about 3 guys, they fished over 200 days a year. All of them chasing the world record, one lost his business, one got divorced, they all were in debt up to their eye balls.  That is insanity…… just trying to better yourself at a hobby your passion about is tenacity.  
I get skunked, even get on a skunk streak sometimes…… not my fault…. It’s the fishes.

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When I go fishing, I make up my mind on the get-go that the big one will hit, one way or another, she will be there. I will find her, and she will hit my lure. Now, being ready for her is another story altogether. Took me a long time and many missed fish to realize that my mind can be one way while my body is altogether different. I'm usually not ready. I might be lazy on the strike. Or I might even be thinking about something else. Everything must work in unity, you see. Doesn't have to be big fish, either. When I want numbers, I try to think and act in a unified way. It's all good to have tenacity, determination, and so forth but one's actual mind has to be clearly made up along with the body armed and ready to follow through with the mind's clear intention.

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My tenacity is used for getting me through the back and shoulder pain when I sit up in bed at the 4 am alarm. Everything beyond that is gravy.

Passed multiple Kidney stones while fishing.✔️

Puking while fishing. ✔️

All that mess is temporarily in the mind but the memory of giant bass live there forever.


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I use the old fishing saying, "a bad day fishing, is better than a good day at work".  I quit tournament fishing years ago.  Got into musky fishing (talk about determination), wading small creeks, paddling small rivers in a canoe with a friend, and pond hopping.  By not tournament fishing, I save enough $$$ to take two trips to Canada each year. :)  I've been catching much better fish, and enjoying my time on the water much much more.  I can wade a creek and catch one nice smallie or catch ten, and I'm happy.  I admire the tournament addicts and their determination, but not for me anymore!   

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4 hours ago, TOXIC said:

We all ride the suck bus every now and then. 


4 hours ago, A-Jay said:

No Doubt ~

I have 'free pass' to get on that bus.

Along with my very own designated seat.

Right behind the driver.

So he can keep an eye on me . . . .




I ride in a different seat each day and lick the windows clean. 🤪

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38 minutes ago, T-Billy said:


I ride in a different seat each day and lick the windows clean. 🤪




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I would be willing to bet this trait was installed in us by our parents. 


My Mother & Farther lived through the Great Depression, my Dad fought in WWII. If they left my two brothers & I anything it was a strong work ethic. We were often told, "if you start it, you finish it".

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